
*请参阅 媒体艺术

欢迎来到洛杉矶山谷学院电影专业 (请同时参阅 媒体艺术). 我们很高兴地宣布,我们很快就要搬到新家了, 山谷学术文化中心, 预计将于2020年代中期完工!

Our 电影 和 媒体艺术 curriculum focuses on training students to hone their storytelling skills through screenwriting classes 和 visual media classes in 生产 和 post生产. It is our mission to prepare students to develop a broad underst和ing of the many facets of California’s ever-changing entertainment industry, 并学习相应的技能以获得实习机会, 转学到大学,  并在各种生产场所担任初级职位.

电影 和 媒体艺术 students at Valley College often find that their course load fosters strong bonds as they work 和 study together to meet tight 生产 schedules 和 master the concepts introduced in their academic coursework. Students often rely upon one another to perform mutual crew duties on the many student 生产s each semester.

To learn more about 电影 和 媒体艺术, please enjoy this website, or call us!

Eric Swelstad
(818) 778-5503






电影 & 媒体艺术学位和证书

Click the tabs below to find out about the 电影 和 媒体艺术 degrees 和 certificates.

  • The successful completion of this degree or certificate will give students a thorough background in the aesthetics 和 history of cinema, 有电影画面和声音前期制作经验, 生产, 后期制作, advanced filmmaking experience as well as the possibility of an internship in the entertainment field.




  • The successful completion of this degree or certificate will give students a thorough underst和ing of the aesthetics 和 history of cinema.

电影艺术理论 & 批评(AA级)

电影艺术理论 & 批评(成绩证明)


  • 顺利完成本证书的学习将为学生提供基本的 有电影和媒体美学基础,有一定经验 directing a cast 和 crew in the 生产 of a short motion picture or episodic project.


  • The successful completion of this degree or certificate will give students a thor有足够的影视美学背景和经验 directing a cast 和 crew in the 生产 of a short motion picture or episodic project.



  • The successful completion of this degree or certificate will give students a thorough 电影和媒体美学背景,有写作经验 various screenplays from short 和 feature length motion pictures to episodic projects.



  • The successful completion of this degree or certificate will give students a thorough 电影与媒体美学背景,有组织经验; budgeting, scheduling, marketing, promoting, pitching motion picture 和 episodic projects.



  • The successful completion of this degree or certificate will give students a thorough 有电影和媒体美学背景,有片头设计经验; 三维建模, 颜色分级/校正, 以及其他各种电影和情节项目的视觉效果.





  • 电影的成功完成, 电视, Electronic Media degree will give students the training 和 education needed for employment in the entertainment industry as well as transfer to a university. 根据所选的课程,学生将学习理论, 方法, concepts for various paths in the entertainment field from film 和 television to broadcast 和 internet radio. 学生将 participate in h和s-on work utilizing professional, state-of-the-art, on-campus laboratories




名字 联系信息
Eric Swelstad(主席) swelstej@flcoastline.com
乍得Sustin sustinca@flcoastline.com
乔纳森·伯内特 burnetjs@flcoastline.com


名字 联系信息
单打项目罗德里格斯 rodrigueza@flcoastline.com
Jon结实的 stoutj@flcoastline.com
克里斯•蔡尔兹 childsc@flcoastline.com
丹渡边 watanads@flcoastline.com
琳达比尔 beallf@laccd.edu





Eric Swelstad大头照

中西部人中西部人, 埃里克毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,获得电影制作学士学位, 以及导演和编剧的硕士学位.  For his Master’s Thesis, Eric wrote, 导演, co-生产 a 16mm feature film, “黑暗的中心地带”, creating a class for undergraduates to work on the picture, while they received course credit.

埃里克还执导了十几部其他故事片和电视作品, 包括艾美奖提名。”关于爱情”,获得电视大奖”倾斜的电视”, “弗兰肯斯坦上升,兰德尔·马龙主演(MTV的 ‘挑出的)和奥斯卡影后玛格丽特·奥布莱恩(Margaret O 'Brien).

埃里克写过或合作写过很多剧本和电视剧,包括 “幸运的13劳伦·格雷厄姆主演 (《皇冠官网网站》、《皇冠官网网站》)和詹娜·费舍尔(Jenna Fischer) (“办公室”),


Eric is a Professor 和 部门 Chair of the 媒体艺术 部门 at 洛杉矶 Valley College, 其中包括广播, 电影, 媒体艺术, 新闻与摄影.  他还曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校电影/编剧系客座授课, 加州州立大学, 北岭, 和爱默生学院.


乍得Sustin,电影/媒体艺术教授,2010年开始在LAVC任教. 他的电影生涯, 教育家, multi-platform storyteller over the last few decades has taken him in different 和 fulfilling directions. 在电影学院开始制作, 他参与了几部商业广告和独立故事片的制作. 然后,他很快就融入了后期制作的世界.

完成后, he started from the bottom 和 quickly moved up through the Telecine 部门, 最终得到了项目经理的职位. In this role he man年龄d mostly feature trailer projects in addition to the h和ling of clients such as 梦工厂, Showtime, 和偷拍相机.Chad has worked on several digital 和 16mm short films 和 industrials as a Writer, 导演, 生产商, 编辑赢得了观众


在鲜艳的色彩, he held the post of Supervisor for the Studio Advertising 服务 department coordinating feature trailer finishing work for Sony Pictures, 梦工厂, 通用, 以及各种独立制作公司.

在梦工厂和作为独立的后期制作协调员, 查德参与了以下故事片的制作: 比小说更离奇, 保持, 荣耀之刃, 梦幻女郎, 后窗惊魂, Norbit, 我们在火中丢失的东西, 心碎的孩子, 和追风筝的人.

Chad's foray into education has l和ed him jobs instructing a myriad of filmmaking classes here at Valley College 和 other various institutions. 他拥有无线电文学学士学位, 电视, Film with an emphasis in Film Production 和 a Master of Fine 艺术 in Digital 电影.

生产商 for Broadcast is the most recent title Chad held at Technicolor before coming to Valley College full-time.  In that role he man年龄d the post-生产 needs 和 workflows for such clients as Fox’s 《皇冠最新网址》, Netflix的 贩毒集团),连续波 容器Nickelodeon的 贝拉 & 的斗牛犬, 的Thundermans, 速成妈妈,ASC大奖, 以及其他各种项目.

Most exciting was the new HDR (High Dynamic Range) 和 4K/UHD technology that Chad had taken a leadership role in at Technicolor, 与亚马逊工作室合作,制作他们的原创节目,比如 《皇冠最新网址》、《皇冠官网网站》、《皇冠最新网址》、《皇冠最新网址》 (试点) 飞机的飞行员 《高堡奇人.

查德非常热衷于指导电影制作的各个方面. He has found unparalleled enjoyment in passing this knowledge 和 passion along to the next generation of filmmakers, 以新的方式激发和激发他们的创造力.


洛克岛人, 伊利诺斯州, 乔纳森·伯内特 studied 和 received his film 生产 和 visual media training, 获得艺术大学美术学士学位, 旧金山, CA, 获得洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学美术硕士学位. 乔纳森的毕业论文电影《烟》 & 《皇冠最新网址》由汤米·雷德蒙·希克斯和查尔斯·布雷西主演, has been shown in nine different festivals across the United States 和 has won two awards for "Best Short Film" 和 "Best Student Film" at the Alternating Currents Film Festival in Davenport, 爱荷华州.

作为一名独立电影人, 他写过, 导演, 生产, 在他任职期间拍摄了几个项目. 乔纳森在法国从事制作工作, 阿尔及利亚, 亚特兰大, 洛杉矶, 芝加哥, 纽约市, 和多伦多.

Jonathan has worked on several 生产s with companies such as The Criterion Collection, 英国广播公司, 露露柠檬, 和鬃毛的选择. While working with The Criterion Collection as a camera operator 和 cinematographer, he has worked with plenty of producers who had interviews with Hollywood greats, 比如史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格, 马丁·斯科塞斯, 科恩兄弟, 简·方达, 还有更多. 

作为一名教育者, 他也是创造者, 导演, 城市曝光独立电影项目的首席讲师, 这是一个为期10周的强化项目,向中西部的年轻人教授电影制作的基础知识. Jonathan is a professor of 电影/媒体艺术 at 洛杉矶 Valley College 和 has previously taught at Loyola Marymount University, 查普曼大学, 普拉特学院(布鲁克林), NY), 和埃尔卡米诺学院.

了解电影 & 媒体艺术

媒体艺术105:视觉效果 & 色彩分级- AA/CA在媒体艺术:视觉效果

LAVC电影 & 媒体艺术